Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Parlotones & Driverlane- Burn, 21.04.07

I know it may seem like I spend all my time at Burn, but really, lately the owners have just come to the party in terms of booking bands you just have to go and watch. And I mean, it is the only decent club in Durban after all. So anyway, along came another Saturday night that saw me denying the couch its bonding privileges and turning down various braai invitations to go and check out another great set of bands.

I didn’t get to watch much of Driverlane but I have seen them a number of times before, and remember when half the band was Fruit Fly Navigators. I was a huge fan of FFN, and it seemed that the audience at Burn on Saturday night was really enjoying Driverlane as well (I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just the free tequila). I must admit that I preferred the previous incarnation, but that could just be nostalgia talking. What I do know is that Craig and Gareth are awesome on guitar and drums, and reminded me why I am so determined to go and check out their side project, Private Republic as soon as I can.

On to the main act. And the question is, do The Parlotones really even need a review? I have never been to a bad show of theirs. They are skilled musicians who seem to have it down pat. There are times when maybe it seems a little too slick and rehearsed but they are undeniably one of the best bands in SA at the moment. And from what a little sound engineer birdie told me, they were extremely well received when they toured the UK and Ireland recently. If there is actually anyone out there who has not yet seen or heard this band, firstly, where the hell have you been hiding? Come out from under your rock dearie. And secondly, the best way to describe this band is like James (a UK indie band from the ‘90’s for those rock dwellers) but with dance drama. In fact, if I had never heard The Parlotones before and someone told me they were James, I would totally buy it. But I would not call them derivative as they do maintain a certain South African flavour that makes them unique. All in all it was a very entertaining evening, and I think The Parlotones are destined to do great things, not only here, but overseas as well. And I consider it a huge personal success that I managed to avoid the free tequila!!

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