Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Japan and I & Sibling Rivalry – The Willowvale, 08.12.07

There I was, quite comfortable on my couch, in my pj’s watching what was shaping up to be quite a good movie. And then the phone rang. I am such a sucker for gigs and so of course in a matter of minutes I was ditching the pj’s for my party frock and hitting the road to catch Japan and I, who I hadn’t had a chance to see yet.

It would appear that I am not destined to see Japan and I. I had presumed that they would be the last act of the night but when I careened into the Willowvale just after 10pm, it was to hear them announce that they only had 2 more songs to play. So really, I’m not in much of a position to pass comment. However, what I did see was solid punk delivered by 3 girls in matching cutesie dresses. They were good but not wow, however I will make the effort to catch them again when they’re in town, so that I can give them a fairer listen.

I suppose it actually makes sense that Sibling Rivalry played last, as it was clear the audience was there for them. This band is a force to be reckoned with in the Durban underground scene, and work tirelessly to promote that scene. I really enjoyed their show, with their energetic mix of punk, ska and reggae, and it was patently obvious that the rest of the crowd was enjoying it too. And most obvious of all was that their frontman Matt Wilson was enjoying himself immensely. He never plays with shoes on, and leaps around on stage like an epileptic hobbit – or like Jesus on drugs as one friend described him. He also jumps off the stage and wanders around the venue, singing and dancing with the fans. Indeed, the whole band looks like they’re having one big party up there, and inevitably this rubs off on the audience.

It’s impossible not to have fun with these guys around, and so much fun was had by all, way into the wee hours of the morning, even after we’d abandoned the Willowvale and headed to Burn. The only piece of advice I can offer is that when someone tells you they’ve invented a new shooter…you should run as fast as your gig-weary legs will carry you. Tequila and tomato cocktail. That’s all I have to say.

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